Each card can have an annual rate (AR) associated (in decimal format) that is applied monthly for each card type. At this time taxes are not calculated, but sounds like something to do, doesn't it?
Income - each month 1/12 of the AR is applied to the monthly income value (like a raise!).
Expenses - each month 1/12 of the AR is applied to the monthly expense value (like inflation!).
House - monthly appreciation/decpreciation of the home's sell value.
Mortgage - basic mortgage calculation, which is why the 'months remaining' appears. Look at your mortgage statement to see how many months you have remaining.
Debt - basic debt calculation, with an AR applied monthly, but here you get to decide how many months until you pay it off.
Taxable Account - think stock account with short/long term capital gains.
Tax Deferred Account - think IRA with rules for withdrawals.
Tax Free - think ROTH.
US Treasury - bills, notes and bonds.
Corporate Bond - corporate debt with higher coupons.
Savings - savings accounts or certificates of deposit.
Cash - in your wallet, purse, or under the mattress. Unless you're in a deflationary spiral, this is your worst return.